Chapter 3 - Section 3.3

Chapter 3 - Section 3.3

1) Read pages 257-266

2) Practice p.267 3) Homework
  • p.253 #11, 17, 21, 23, 34, 36, 45, 51, 83, 107, 109, 111, 113
  • p.267 #5, 11, 15, 33, 43, 47, 53

Random Math Fact

  • "Eleven plus two" is an anagram of "twelve plus one" which is pretty fitting as the answer to both is 13. Also, there are 13 letters in both phrases.

Don't forget to have the following completed:

  • TBA


  • Text Book - College Algebra, 4th Edition by Beecher, Penna, Bittinger
  • Print out the notes for this lesson
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